Stores Management
What Is SmartTime?
The SmartTime system manages a stores’ stock levels, issuing of goods and receipting of goods using barcode technology and internet-based ordering.
SmartTime is designed to enable the booking out of product from the stores, by stores staff or by engineers, through a simple and effective interface.
There are no requirements to add software to your computers as the system is internet-based and is accessed via a web portal.

Dramatically Reduce Stores Administration
This system can dramatically reduce the administration within the stores and purchasing department, whilst giving control and confidence to the purchasing and engineering departments to ensure the correct parts are in stock. By capturing who has logged in to the system, at what time, what they have taken and by the use of cost codes where on the plant the item has been used. A detailed picture will quickly emerge of stock usages and in particular areas that have higher expenditure than others allowing decisions to be made and corrective actions to be taken.
How It Works
The software interface can be used with a standard keyboard and mouse, barcode scanner or with a touch screen PC. The issues screen is designed to allow a drill-down approach via the 12 category icons into subcategories then down into a product selection screen. Alternatively, the use of the search engines to search by keyword, location or part number ensures easy access to the product database.
The database is set up with two sets of descriptive texts and part numbers enabling our staff and customers to use their own part numbers but more importantly to modify search text to the terminology your engineers understand and are comfortable with.
The ordering process is driven by the agreed minimum and maximum stock levels on the stock card of each product. Once a minimum stock level is hit as stock is booked out, a replenishment order is generated. We then have two options for order approval, firstly, the order could be sent directly to the local branch for replenishment or we offer a mediated system.
A mediated system means the orders would be forwarded to an authorised person at a customer site to release the order before being sent on to the Mercury local branch for fulfilment. The mediated system allows for budgetary goals to be achieved at month-end or year-end. Items supplied back to site for replenishment are booked back in to stock via another simple interface.
- Reduced stores visits as any internet-enabled devices can view stores stock at any location, on or off site
- A customer-specific front page places stock in categories that suits your method of operation, alongside the standard search facilities, meaning finding a specific product should be a simple process
- To book stock from the stores requires the user to only visit 3 pages including cost coding to ensure product usage by machine or asset is recorded
- It will drive compliance through your negotiated contract suppliers, thereby maximising the opportunity to gain total cost benefits and reducing the number of suppliers
- Password controlled access will allow specific people access to specific product rather than a broad-brush approach
- Usage reports can be tailored to suit each department other than a generic set of reports
- Cost centre data will allow your company (via the system) to attribute costs accurately to each asset or area of production
- Integrated auto-procurement cuts down on re-ordering overheads
- Visibility of stock across the business allows for a reduced need for the same emergency spares on multiple sites
- Data visibility allows you to analyse historical data and improve cost control
The TimeScan system allows customers or onsite staff to prepare orders and forward these on for fulfillment. This system is designed to be used to manage consumable products such as fasteners, air fittings or any free issue item. The system works by creating an agreed range of products from which the customer can order.
An order is created in the TimeScan software either by collecting barcode scans or by manual keystrokes on a barcode scanning device. The proposed and final order will present line detail of quantity and price along with total order value. Once the user is happy with the order this can be sent for fulfillment through the internet directly to our ERP system and the replenishment order will be delivered back to site.
Stock Analyser
Mercury works with customers to establish the correct profile of stock by analysing product usage v frequency of use v current stock levels v stock availability v criticality of the stock.
By analysing these five areas we can accurately determine what stock should be held and where it should be held to give the best coverage and support for our customers.
When we have accurate data on average we save around 40% of stock valuation. This is done by reducing the maximum levels to reflect usage and stock availability.
- Quick and effective order capture of low-value, high usage product
- Usage reports can be tailored to suit each departments’ needs rather than a generic set of reports
- TimeScan will drive compliance through your negotiated contract suppliers thereby maximising the opportunity to gain total cost benefits and reducing the number of suppliers
- Cost centre data will allow your company (via the system) to attribute costs accurately to each asset or area
- Integrated auto-procurement cuts down on re-ordering overheads